Hospice of the Bluegrass - Nursing Home Care
Hospice of the Bluegrass - Nursing Home Care

In this modern and mobile society, many terminally ill patients do not have family or friends available to meet their needs in a home environment. A nursing home may be the only setting in which patients can receive the care and support they need.

To meet the needs of these patients, Hospice has developed a special team of nurses, social workers, chaplains, home care aides and volunteers who go into the nursing home and provide the same watchful and supportive care provided in the home. This group of dedicated professionals helps facilitate communications between the nursing home and the patient’s family. They provide extra support for the loved one when the family cannot be present.

In partnership with your physician, Hospice provides the coordinated services of professionals and trained volunteers who supplement the staff of the nursing home facility. The services are delivered in your facility and include:

visits by the hospice nurses for pain and symptom management.
personal care by Hospice aides to supplement the care offered by the long-term care staff.
social workers provide individual and/or family counseling.
Nursing Facility Caregiver Group designed to meet the needs of families and friends of nursing home patients.
chaplains consult with and assist the patient and family in their spiritual concerns, complementing the patient’s own minister.
trained volunteers who provide companionship.
grief counseling and support for family members during the resident’s illness and for a year following death.
consultation with the Hospice team members who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
coordination of additional medical equipment and supplies related to the terminal illness.
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